Semiconductor protection fuses are used to protect against overcurrent conditions in power electronic equipment. They are specifically designed to reduce the I2t, peak let-through current and arc voltages during a fault condition.
High Speed Fuses
Mersen offers a comprehensive line of High Speed fuses optimally designed for protection of power electronics and power circuits.
Semiconductor protection fuse

Railway and traction power converter protection

Railway and traction power converter protection
Mersen DC high performance power fuses were developed to provide superior protection for railway power circuits. They have lower I2t to minimize damage to components in case of short circuits, and have lower watts loss and longer life.
EP Gebze Office
Gebze Sales Office
G.O.S.B. Ihsan Dede Cad. 900. Sokak
Kocaeli 41480 Gebze
Kocaeli 41480 Gebze
T: +90 262 677 19 54 to 60