Mersen offers a large range of slip ring assemblies for generators and alternators. We also propose carbon brush/brush-holder systems as well as the complete metallic box/slip ring assembly/rocker ring.
Slip ring assemblies
Leading manufacturer of slip rings for AC motors
Slip ring assemblies are in contact with the brush / brush-holder system.
Mersen will study your needs and manufacture the solutions that fit best your asynchronous motors with wound rotor and generators & alternators.
A slip ring assembly is a system of metal rings which transfers the electrical current and earth between static and rotating parts.
Slip ring for generators & alternators

Slip ring for generators & alternators
Slip ring for asynchronous motors

Slip ring for asynchronous motors
Mersen offers a large range of slip ring assemblies for asynchronous motors with wound rotor. We also propose brush / brush-holder systems as well as the complete metallic box / slip ring assembly / rocker ring.
Slip ring for hydro power generators

Slip ring for hydro power generators
Mersen's slip rings and brush rockers are complete solutions that complement each other's performance.
Slip ring diameters up to 2,500 mm (98 inches).
Rings manufactured from forged steel, low carbon steel, stainless steel, bronze
Slip ring for hoisting

Slip ring for hoisting
Mersen offers customised slip ring assemblies for hoisting / lifting equipment
Gebze Sales Office
Kocaeli 41480 Gebze
T: +90 262 677 19 54 to 60